Ordinary World
Title: Ordinary World
Author: D.J. Mitchell
Narrator: Scott Pollak
Formats: Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook
Genre: Dystopian Fiction
Pages: 387
The debut novel that entertained thousands of readers! Now in its second edition, with a Foreword by professional narrator Scott Pollak.
As the financial system crumbles around them, a family learns how to survive the challenges of an unfamiliar new world. Bill, Gracie, and their son Joe learn new ways to live as their reality changes. Bread, gasoline, and even toilet paper all become scarce when the trucks stop rolling. When a ghost from the past threatens their lives, there are no police to call. And even greater, unexpected trials lie ahead. Faced with a new and unfamiliar economy, they find new friends and learn to cherish the community around them. From food to self defense, there is no one to rely on but their neighbors and themselves.
Ordinary World is more than a dystopian novel. It’s a story about family, love, loss, and joy.
“An intelligent, believable, relevant masterpiece… Truly one of my favorite books that I’ve ever narrated.” –Scott Pollak, professional narrator
Reader comments:
“This story really hit home with me as a father and as a husband.”
“I’m happy to find an author that wrote about an apocalypse in which people still remain human, try hard, make mistakes, and whose efforts sometimes fail… This book was an excellent value, and I am happy that I found it.”
“I am very impressed with the humanity of this story, and the realistic point of view it portrays… A very enjoyable and ultimately satisfying read.”
“If have ever thought you’re prepared for something as big as a nation-wide collapse, this book will give you a few things to think about in an entertaining read.”
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