The Soul of an Addict
Title: The Soul of an Addict: Unlocking the Complex Nature of Addiction
Author: D.J. Mitchell
Genre: Nonfiction, Substance Abuse Recovery
Formats: Paperback, Kindle
Pages: 208
Addiction is more complex than it may seem. Written for the non-addict who seeks to understand substance addiction, The Soul of an Addict shows that addiction not just a disease or a choice. Using statistics, anecdotes from the lives of addicts, and the author’s personal experience with addiction and recovery, the book argues that addiction affects all aspects of human existence, including identity, purpose, life structure, and morality. It serves as a religion in the addict’s life, and any approach to recovery must also provide these essential needs. With one in seven Americans struggling with substance abuse, this book brings a timely analysis for anyone concerned about addiction.
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“A must-read… As a therapist I will be recommending this book to my clients.” –Milt McLelland, CMHC, Roots Counseling Center
“One of the best overviews of addiction I have read.” –Linford Stutzman, Eastern Mennonite University
“The writing is lucid and compelling.” –Brendon Walls, Catholic Charities
“The best explanation I’ve ever read about addiction for the non-addict.” –Ed Marshall, recovering addict
“If you thought you understood addiction, think again, and read this book…. A must read for the non-addict who is trying to understand the huge societal problem of addiction.” –Russ Eanes, author of The Walk of a Lifetime
“The book elucidates the agony of addiction in a fresh, new way… With anecdotes of many people who grapple with addiction and have survived, as well as sad stories of addicts who died, this book provides healthy doses of grit and inspiration.” –Christopher Key Chapple, Loyola Marymount University